!!! MAKE A BOMB !!!
1: Mix gas and liquid drano together in container and
2: THROW!!!!

!!! MAKE A PIPEBOMB !!! (the real thing)
How to make a pipebomb.
you need:
1 20oz bottle
1 M80 Firecracker
1 lid
broken glass
1: drill a whole in the lid bigoungh to put M80 fiuse through.
2: put gunpowder and broken glass in bottle tell full.
3: rap outside of bottle with nails and secure with tape.
4: put M80 on top of gun powder and put the lid on.
5: tap lid on
6: ltight fiuse anf throw.

How to make a bomb in three easy steps.
1. Open up Microsoft Word
2. Change font type to "Wingdings"
3. Type "M" (capital "m")
Voila! the bomb should like like this:

This is a nice one.
And, as nice as it is and extremely simple to make, as it is, it can be very nasty if you are not quick enough.
I mean it, if you
attempt to make this, you can put your life in danger.
Well, I do not know if you can actually die from it, but, the ingredients used can literally melt your skin off.
Here is what you need:
1 empty two-liter bottle with cap
1 gallon size bottle of myratic acid
1 roll of aluminum foil
To make:
simply fill up the two-litter bottle half way full with the myratic acid and then, tear up the foil into little scraps that will fit inside. Then, drop them in and
as fast as you can, put the cap on and run the hell away! I have never made one of these, because I prefer things that are safer, but, thoughts of delay fuses have
come into mind, like, tearing up aluminum foil and stuffing them into little capsules and dropping a lot of those in. (capsules can be purchased from a health-food
store for VERY little, I think I paid about $20. for about 1000 of them). Myratic acid is used in swimming pools. Almost every pool supply place sells it and it is
also pretty cheap. I paid 6.00 for two gallons of the stuff.

How To Make LSD (Kitchen)
[1> Grind up 150 grams of morning glory seeds or Hawaiian wood rose seeds.
[2> In 130 cc. of petroleum ether, soak the seeds for two days.
[3> Filter the solution through a tight screen.
[4> Throw away the liquid, and allow the seed mush to dry.
[5> For two days allow the mush to soak in 110 cc. of wood alcohol.
[6> Filter the solution again, saving the liquid and labeling it "1".
[7> Resoak the mush in 110 cc. of wood alcohol for two days.
[8> Filter and throw away the mush.
[9> Add the liquid from the second soak to the solution labeled "1".
[10> Pour the liquid into a cookie tray and allow it to evaporate.
[11> When all the liquid has evaporated, a yellow gum remains. This should
be scraped up and put into capsules.
30 grams of morning glory seeds = one trip
15 Hawaiian wood rose seeds = one trip
Many companies, such as Northop-King, have been coating their seeds with a
toxic chemical, which is poison. Order seeds from a wholesaler, as it is
much safer and cheaper. Hawaiian wood rose seeds can be ordered directly from:
Chong's Nursery and Flowers
P.O. Box 2154
Honolulu, Hawaii